Vice President Pham Ngoc Linh attends the meeting of the Country Coordinating Mechanisms
On August 6, 2024, at the EU premises in Vietnam, the Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM) held a meeting to inaugurate a new Governing Board for the 2024-2026 term.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Ngoc Linh, Vice President of VUSTA, and the Director of the Management Board of VUSTA-Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS from 2024 to 2026 attended the meeting. The Vietnam Country Coordinating Mechanism comprises representatives from 5 government agencies, 7 international development partners, and 13 members from civil society and community organizations. CCM Governing Board for the 2024-2026 term is made up of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lien Huong, Deputy Minister of Health, serving as the Chair, Dr. Angela Pratt, WHO representative in Vietnam, and Nguyen Anh Phong, Vietnam Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS Representative, serving as Vice Chairs. The Standing Committee consists of 9 members: 7 in the Ethics Committee and 9 in the Oversight Committee.

A scene of the meeting
CCM is responsible for coordinating the implementation of grants which are funded by the Global Fund in the country. CCM has five main functions: (1) coordinate the submission of national proposals for funding, (2) nominate principal recipients for grants, (3) oversight the implementation of the grants, (4) consider the revision proposals during the implementation and, (5) ensure coherence and consistency among activities.

Vice President Pham Ngoc Linh congrats CCM Governing Board for the 2024-2026 term
Vice President Pham Ngoc Linh congratulated the new Governing Board, and met to discuss with them, as well as with CCM members, representatives of the Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control (Ministry of Health), and the National Institute of Malaria, Parasitology, and Entomology. Additionally, representatives of the VUSTA-Global Fund Project Management Board provided a quick update on the project's implementation status for the 2024-2026 period.