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2024-11-15 15:30

VUSTA delegation actively took part in a series of activities under the scope of CAFEO42

Conference of Asean Federation Engineering Organizations 42nd (CAFEO42) took place at the Sabah International Convention Centre (SICC), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia from 22 to 24 October 2024.

The event hosted by Institute of Engineer Malaysia (IEM). The pivotal theme of Charting ASEAN Growth with Digital Transformation, Smart Engineering & Green Solutions provided a platform for cooperation, paving the way for a new future where technical innovation is the driving force for sustainable and inclusive development in ASEAN.

CAFEO42 attracted more than 1300 delegates who are engineers, leaders, policy makers, scholars from 10 ASEAN member countries and region including: China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Beralus, Macedonia, Maldives, Mali, Qatar and representatives of the Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP). The conference served a dynamic space for discussions on sustainable development, infrastructure and the future of science and technical development in the ASEAN and equipped delegates with the knowledge, insights, and connections to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving engineering landscape. The event included a variety of meaningful activities such as technical workshops at plenary sessions, technical visit, technology and engineering solution exhibition, business matching between ASEAN engineers and international engineers, especially the certificate award ceremony was solemnly organized to award certificate and medal to those who are recognized as 2024 ASEAN engineers.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Ngoc Linh, Vice President of VUSTA is the head of the delegation, attended the event, together presence of 24 members presenting national professional organizations, provincial science and technology associations, engineers from electrical and oil and gas enterprises, of which six ASEAN engineers from Hochiminh City Power Corporation, three engineers from Petrovietnam Camau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company.


VUSTA delegation at CAFEO42 opening ceremony

The VUSTA delegation showed active and proactive engagement in several technical meetings and major sessions such as in Women Engineers Summit, Environment Working Group, National Report, ASEAN Engineers Register Committee and AFEO governing board. VUSTA’s participation promoted its image and enhance its position in multilateral forum.

Engineer Nguyen Ngoc Le Quyen, in behalf of VUSTA delegation presented at Women Engineer Summit on “Digital culture and digital transformation at Hochiminh City Power Corporation”. She clearly stated the achievements of innovative thinking of the corporate culture associated with digital transformation, toward the goal of EVNHCMC becoming a digital corporate, plays the pioneering role in the future of innovation, align with the development and integration of the country.


Engineer Nguyễn Ngọc Lê Quyên, Hochiminh City Power Corporation presents at the Women Engineers Summit

At the environment working group meeting, Secretary General of Vietnam Association for Conservation of Nature and Environment (VACNE), Managing Director of Vietnam Environmental Incident Response Center (SOS Center) Mr. Pham Van Son presented “Practical lessons of timely and effective prevention and response to environmental incidents nationwide”.


Mr. Pham Van Son – Managing Director of Vietnam Environmental Incident Response Center (SOS Center),Secretary General of Vietnam Association for Conservation of Nature and Environment (VACNE)delivers presentation at Environment working group.

Mr Son shared with environmental experts in the ASEAN countries his experience in R&D, production of versatile, high-performance, mobile equipment and supplies, helping to solve specific technical problems that have existed for many years, and nationwide response capacity building for cost-effective deployment once incidents happen. These are two important keys to reducing the state budget for government and expenses for businesses while ensuring timely and effective response activities at the grassroots level and nationwide. This approach helps overcome the gap between “the incident response plan that is perfectly prepared in paperwork” and the “inactive mobilisation or deployment of response recourses in practices when an incident occurs”. I would be so happy and ready to share our experience with countries in the region for environmental protection with “more effectiveness but fewer expenses”, that is enhancing incident response capacities while saving costs for businesses and reducing state budget, he expressed.


Delegates at environment working group meeting

At the national report session, Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền, Deputy Director for International Cooperation Department Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations delivered a report on implementing and planning projects on national infrastructure development of Vietnam as well as outstanding science and technology events of Vietnam.


MrsNguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền, Deputy Director for International Cooperation Department Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associationsdelivers presentation at national report session.

Within the Asean Engineer Register committee meeting, VUSTA shared the registration AER of Vietnam. VUSTA also updated 3 activities implemented by Vietnam Asean Engieers Register Council, including communication, honoring ceremony of Vietnam Asean Engineers, and sucessfully registered for 77 Vietnamese engineers from various industries such as electric, electronics, IT, automation, civil construction, mechanics and hydraulic.


Secretary and GeneralAFEO,Prof. DrDavid Chuah Joon Huang (4th from the left) and AER Head Commissioner, Eng. Simon Yeong Chin Chow (5th from the right) grant medal and Asean engineer certificate to six Vietnamese engineers.

As part of the closing ceremony, cultural exchange program featured a diverse of activities, the delegates showed unforgettable performances. Vietnam delegation had a special performance, “Hello Việt Nam”.


After Vietnam performance, on behalf of VUSTA delegation Dr. Phạm Ngọc Linh thanked to the organizer CAFEO42 and ASEAN friends for bringing a meaningful and impressed event. Linh also welcome all delegates to come to Midterm AFEO in Danang City from 17 – 18 July 2025, hosted by VUSTA.

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