Bac Giang: Organized Training On Using Artificial Intelligent (AI)
In February 26th, Bac Giang Union of Science and Technology Associations (BUSTA) organized a training conference on using AI which emphasized on using ChatGPT for professional activities. The conference aims to raise awareness and apply AI in research, management and communication.

At the training, Mr Nguyen Van Tuan, Deputy Director of the Information Technology Center, Department of Information and Communications, introduced ChatGPT to BUSTA’s officers. He provided guidance on how to maximize the use of ChatGPT in many fields: Science and technology research, writing reports, discourse and project proposals; communication and popularization of scientific knowledge; organizing scientific events; management, administration and training. Immediately after learning the theories, participants practiced using ChatGPT and AI in their work.
One of BUSTA’s mission assigned by provincial state and party is to take the lead in implementing digital transformation, with important applications such as: the use of digital signatures in administrative documents; building databases and digitizing the activities of BUSTA of province; implementing an advanced management system and applying the ISO 9001:2015 process in the official activities; developing a database on intellectuals of Bac Giang province, and a software for managing contests and competitions.
The training conference enhanced knowledge about AI, helping BUSTA’s officers to apply modern technology in their work, thereby improving the effectiveness of task implementation. The application of AI in practice is an important step, helping to promote digital transformation and enhance the quality of scientific and technological activities of BUSTA in the coming time.