Liên hiệp các hội và khoa học kỹ thuật Việt Nam
2018-11-19 10:10


Charter of the vietnam union of science and technology associations

Chapter I:
Chapter II:

Functions and Duties OF THE
vietnam union of science and technology associations
(Ratified by Decision No.1795/QĐ-TTg
dated October 21 st, 2015 of the Prime Minister)

Throughout the long history of national construction and defense, Vietnamese intellectuals have always upheld the spirit of patriotism and national pride. They have made constant efforts and sacrifices and enthusiastically participated in building the national great unity, contributing to bringing the revolutionary cause of our people from victory to victory. On the basis of the operating results of the interim Liaison Committee of Science and Technology of Vietnam, on March 26, 1983, in Hanoi, representatives of 14 national science and technology associations and the Hanoi Union of Science and Technology Associations organized the founding Congress of the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations.

Since its establishment, the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations has been constantly consolidated, developed and become socio-political organization of Vietnamese intellectuals in science and technology.

Chapter I:

Article 1. The Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (hereinafter referred to as VUSTA) is a socio-political organization of the Vietnamese science and technology intellectuals . VUSTA is organized and operates under the principle of voluntarism and democracy. VUSTA is a member of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.

Article 2. The objectives of the VUSTA are to gather, unite and foster the creativity of Vietnamese science and technology intellectuals to devote to the country’s industrialization and modernization, and building of a knowledge-based economy, thus contributing to the national defence and the realization of wellbeing people, strong country and a democratic, equitable, and civilized society goals.

Article 3. VUSTA shall operate under the Charter adopted by the VUSTA National Congress in compliance with the Party’s guidelines and directions and the State’s laws and policies.

Article 4. VUSTA shall operate on a national scale, with its Headquarters based in Hanoi. VUSTA can establish its representative office in the South.

VUSTA shall have its legal status, organizational structure, stamp, and property.

Chapter II:
Functions and Duties

Article 5. VUSTA shall have the following functions:

1. Gathering and uniting Vietnamese science and technology intellectuals inside and outside the country, coordinating and guiding the operations of member associations.

2. Acting as a bridge between member associations with the bodies of the Party, the State and the Vietnam Fatherland Front and other organizations to tackle common issues for the VUSTA intellectuals.

3. Representing and protecting the legal rights and interests of its members, member associations, and Vietnamese intellectuals in science and technology.

Article 6. VUSTA has the following duties:
1. Building and developing VUSTA organizational structure:

  • Building, developing and consolidating the organizational structure of VUSTA at both central and provincial/municipal levels;
  • Regulating, coordinating and guiding the operation of member associations;
  • Strengthening sectorial and regional links among member associations;

2. Mobilizing intellectuals in science and technology:

a) Upholding the tradition of patriotism, national pride, civic responsibility, the spirit of cooperation, pro-community, integrity and ethics of intellectuals in science and technology, especially young intellectuals;

b) Communicating and popularizing the guidelines and directions of the Party and laws and policies of the State among intellectuals in science and technology;

c) Mobilizing Vietnamese intellectuals inside and outside the country to participate in activities contributing to national construction and defense;

d) Supporting the professional education and training, improving physical and mental living conditions for science and technology intellectuals .

3. Organize the following activities:

  • Providing the Party and State with advise on important issues related to guidelines and policies on national development, especially in areas of science and technology, education and training, and policies for intellectuals;
  • Conducting social consultancy, evaluation, and expertise activities to provide scientific grounds for the formulation and implementation of Party’s guidelines and directions and State’s policies and laws, strategies, plans, programs, socio-economic development plans, and key investment projects;
  • Conducting scientific researches and promoting  technological development; applying technological advances in production and daily life, protecting the environment and dealing with global climate change;
  • Disseminating scientific and technological knowledge, participating in building a learning society, thus contributing to increasing the intellectual standards of people, training the human resources and  nurturing talents;
  • Participating in the issuance of professional certificates, supervising professional activities and public services in compliance with stipulations by the law;
  • Participating in community development, poverty reduction, health care, and other social activities.

4. Performing the role of a member of the Vietnam Fatherland Front:

  • Cooperating with member organizations of the Vietnam Fatherland Front in the implementation of joint activities to build synergies; strengthening the workers-farmers-intellectuals coalition and building the national unity;
  • Conveying the aspirations and opinions of science and technology intellectuals to the Party, State, and the Vietnam Fatherland Front;
  • Participating in the struggle to protect peace, protesting against wars, contributing to building and promoting friendship, understanding and cooperation between countries and nations.

5. Strengthening cooperation with foreign non-governmental organizations and associations and joining regional and international scientific and technological organizations in compliance with stipulations by the laws.

Chapter III: 

Article 7.  VUSTA shall have an organization system at both central and centrally-administered provincial/municipal levels.

Article 8: VUSTA memberships shall include centrally-administered provincial/municipal  unions of science and technology associations (hereinafter referred to as provincial union of science and technology associations), associations and general associations operating nation-wide in the fields of social and humanitarian sciences, natural sciences, and technology (hereinafter referred to as National Member Associations) which voluntarily join VUSTA.

Article 9. Provincial  unions of science and technology associations are socio-political organizations of intellectuals in science and technology in provinces or cities, which are established under the decision of  the provincial People’s Committees and operate in accordance with the VUSTA Charter. Centrally-administered provincial/municipal  unions of science and technology associations shall have organizational and operational regulations suitable to their local conditions and have member associations, district unions of science and technology associations (where applicable), and affiliated organizations.

Article 10. National Member Associations are socio-political professional organizations or socio-professional organizations of intellectuals in science and technology, operating on a national scale, established under the decision of competent authorities and voluntarily joining VUSTA. National Member Associations shall have the autonomy and their own charters in compliance with VUSTA’s Charter and stipulations by the law.

Article 11. The rights of member associations:

  • Nominating or proposing representatives to the VUSTA Central Council;
  • Participating in discussion and decision of the VUSTA’s general guidelines;
  • Participating in VUSTA activities;
  • Receiving benefits as regulated by VUSTA;
  • Requesting VUSTA to protect their legal rights;
  • A member organization shall be entitled to withdraw its membership from VUSTA upon its Congress’s resolution and the VUSTA Central Council’s approval;

Article 12. Obligations of member associations:

1. Complying with VUSTA’s Charter, implementing the resolutions of VUSTA National Congress, VUSTA Central Councils’ conference, and the VUSTA Presidium.
2. Participating in activities to expand VUSTA’s influence and enhance VUSTA’s position, mobilizing other member associations to actively engage with VUSTA’s activities.
3. Uniting and cooperating with other VUSTA member associations.
4. Contributing resources to VUSTA’s activities in compliance with VUSTA’sregulations.

Chapter IV: 

Article 13. VUSTA’s leading bodies are elected and operate on the principles of democracy, collective leadership and individual responsibility, and decision made by majority.

Article 14. The National Congress is the highest leading body of VUSTA

1. The National Congress shall be convened once every five years and shall be convened at any time upon requested by over half of VUSTA’s member associations.

2. The number and composition of the delegates at the National Congress shall be decided by the VUSTA Central Council.

3. The National Congress shall have the following tasks:

  • Evaluating VUSTA’s operation in the last tenure and approving VUSTA’s orientations for the coming tenure;
  • Discussing and approving the amendments to the VUSTAs’ Charter;
  • Electing the VUSTA’s Central Council.

Article 15. VUSTA Central Council

1. The Central Council is the governing body of VUSTA during the period of two National Congresses.

2. The Central Council shall be composed by representatives of all VUSTA’s member associations nominated by the associations’ standing committee (or equivalent) and delegates recommended by VUSTA’s last tenure’s Central Council’s Presidium; the number of members recommended shall not exceed 20 percent of the total number of VUSTA Central Council members. The number of members and the election procedure of the Central Council shall be decided by the National Congress.

3. The Central Council shall be convened once every year or upon request by the Presidium or by over half of the Central Council members.

Article 16. Duties and authorities of VUSTA’s Central Council:

1. Deciding the annual action plan to implement the National Congress Resolution.

2. Deciding the organizational structure, content and method of the VUSTA Central Council’s operation in accordance with VUSTA functions and tasks.

3. Deciding on the admission of new member associations and member associations’ request to withdraw from VUSTA; adding, replacing or dismissing Central Council members.

4. Electing the Central Council’s Presidium and Inspection Commission; electing the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary General and Head of the Inspection Commission among the Central Council’s Presidium members. The numbers, composition and election procedures shall be decided by the Central Council.

5. Preparing for the upcoming VUSTA National Congress.

6. Directing and supervising VUSTA member associations’ activities and dealing with other issues upon request by the Presidium.

The President of the Central Council shall hold the responsibility for the VUSTA’s operation. Vice Presidents and the Secretary General shall implement tasks assigned by the President. The Secretary General is Head of the VUSTA Head Office.

Article 17. The Central Council Presidium (The Presidium)

1. On behalf of VUSTA Central Council, the Presidium shall lead and supervise all activities of VUSTA during the period of two meetings of the Central Council. The Presidium shall assign some executive members.

The operation of the Presidium and specific tasks assigned to each member are stipulated in the Central Council Presidium regulations.

2. The Presidium shall have the authority to establish, and decide on the functions, tasks and organizational structure of the Presidium’s assistant bodies, professional councils, affiliated science and technology organizations and other affiliated organizations.

3. The Presidium shall be convened once every three months or upon the request of the President.

Article 18. The Inspection Committee

1. Duties and competences:

  • Conducting inspection when there are signs of violations of VUSTA Charter or Working Regulations and the resolutions of the National Congress’s, the Central Council’s and the Presidium’s meetings;
  • Inspecting the management and use of financial resources and property of VUSTA;
  • Guiding and directing the operation of the Inspection Board of VUSTA member associations;
  • Handling written complaints and denunciations within its competence;
  • Proposing punishments against violating individuals and organizations to thePresidium.

2. The Inspection Committee shall be convened once every year or upon request of the President of the VUSTA or proposal by the Head of the Inspection Committee.

Chapter V 

Article 19. The National Congress is the highest leading body of the VUSTA’s national member associations and general associations (hereinafter reffered to as association).

The Congress of association is convened by its Central Executive Board in compliance with the charter of the association, or upon request of over half of its individual members or over half of its professional member associations.

Prior to the Congress  leaders of associations,  consult with VUSTA Presidium about the content, personnel, procedure of the organization of the Congress.

Article 20. The Congress of the member association shall have the following tasks:

1. Evaluating the association’ operation in the last tenure and deciding the orientations for the upcoming tenure;

2. Discussing and adopting the amendments and revisions to the association’s charters;

3. Electing the Central Executive Board of the association.

Article 21. The Central Executive Board of the association

1. The Central Executive Board of the association shall be composed by representatives of all member associations and some outstanding intellectuals nominated by the Standing Board of the previous tenure. The composition, number of members and election procedures shall be decided by the Congress.

The Central Executive Board of the associations shall be convened at least once every year or upon request by over half of the Central Executive Board members.

2. Duties and competences::

a) The Central Executive Board of the association is the governing body of the association during the period of the two Congresses. The Central Executive Board is responsible for organizing the implementation of the Congress’s resolutions, directing and supervising the entire operation of the association during the period of the two congresses;

b) Deciding the organizational structure, content and operational methods of the association in compliance with current regulations;

c) Deciding on the admission of new individual member or professional member association; adding, replacing or dismissing the Central Executive Board members in accordance with the charter of the association;

d) Electing the The Standing Board (or Presidium) and Inspection Board; electing the President, Vice  Presidents, Secretary General (or Secretary) and Head of the Inspection Board among Standing Board members. The number, composition and election procedure shall be decided by the Central Executive Board of the association;

The President of the Central Executive Board of association shall hold the responsibility for the association’s operation. Vice Presidents and Secretary General shall implement tasks assigned by the President.

Article 22. The Standing Board (or Presidium)

1. The Standing Board, on behalf of the Central Executive Board, shall lead and supervise the entire operation of the associations during the period of two meetings of the Executive Board.

The Standing Board shall be convened once every three months or at the order of the President.2. Duties and competences:

  • Establishing and regulating the tasks and organizational structure of the office of the associations, professional councils and affiliated organizations;
  • Assigning specific tasks to the Standing Board members;
  • Providing inputs to draft documents of the VUSTA National Congress;
  • Electing representatives to attend the VUSTA National Congress and nominating representatives to the VUSTA Central Council.

3. The operation of the Standing Board (or the Presidium) is stipulated in regulations approved by the Executive Board;

Article 23. The Inspection Board

1. Duties and competences:

  • Conducting inspections when there are signs of violations of VUSTA’s Charter, association’s charters and the resolutions of the VUSTA National Congress and of association’ Congress;
  • Inspecting the management and use of financial resources and property of the associations;
  • Guiding and directing the operation of the Inspection Board of member professional association;
  • Handling written complaints and denunciations within its competence;
  • Proposing punishments against violating individuals and organizations to the Executive Board of the associations, general associations.

2. The Inspection Board shall be convened once every six months or upon request of the President of the associations or proposal by the Head of the Inspection Board.

Chapter VI: 

Article 24. The National Congress is the highest leading body of the provincial/municipal unions of science and technology associations (hereinafter referred to as Provincial Union)

The Congress of Provincial Union shall be convened by Provincial Union’s Executive Board or upon request by over half of their members or member associations.

Prior to the Congress, the Executive Board or the Presidium of Provincial Union shall consult with VUSTA Presidium about the content, personnel, procedure of the organization of the Congress.

Article 25. The Congress of the Provincial Union shall have the following tasks:

  •  Evaluating the Provincial Union’s operation in the last tenure and deciding the orientations for the upcoming tenure;
  • Discussing and adopting the amendments and revisions to the provincial Unions’ Charters;
  • Electing the Executive Board of the Provincial Union.

Article 26. The Executive Board

1. The Provincial Union’s Executive Board shall be composed by representatives of all member associations and some outstanding intellectuals nominated by the Standing Board of the previous tenure. The composition, number of members and election procedures shall be decided by the Congress.

The Provincial Union’s Executive Board shall be convened at least once every year or upon request by over half of the Executive Board members.

2. Duties and competences:

  • The Executive Board is the governing body of the Provincial Union during the period of the two Congresses. The Executive Board is responsible for organizing the implementation of the Congress’s resolutions, directing and supervising the entire operation of Provincial Union during the period of the two congresses;
  • Deciding the organizational structure, content and operational methods of the Provincial Union in compliance with current regulations;
  • Deciding on the admission of new member associations and member associations’ request to withdraw from Provincial Unions; adding, replacing or dismissing Executive Board members;
  • Electing the Standing Board and Inspection Board; electing the President, Vice  Presidents, Secretary General (or Secretary) and Head of the Inspection Board among Standing Board members. The number, composition and election procedures shall be decided by the Executive Board;

      đ)   Making necessary preparations for Provincial Union’s Congress.

The President of the Executive Board of the Provincial Unions shall hold the responsibility for the Provincial Union’s operation. Vice Presidents and Secretary General (or Secretary) shall implement tasks assigned by the President.

Article 27. The Standing Board

1. The Standing Board, on behalf of the Executive Board, shall direct and inspect all activities of the Provincial Unions during the period of the two meetings of the Executive Board.

The Standing Board shall be convened once every 3 months or at the order of  the President.

2. Duties and Competences:

  • Establishing and regulating the functions, tasks, and organizational structure of Provincial Union’s office, professional councils, science and technology organizations and other affiliated organizations;
  • Assigning specific tasks to members of the Standing Board members;
  • Providing inputs to the draft documents of the VUSTA National Congress;
  • Electing representatives to attend the VUSTA National Congress and nominating representatives to the VUSTA Central Council.

3. The operation of the Standing Board is stipulated in regulations approved by the Executive Board;

Article 28. Inspection Board

1. Duties and competences:

  • Conducting inspections when there are signs of violations of VUSTA Charter or regulations of the Provincial Unions, the implementation of Resolutions of the VUSTA National Congress and of the Provincial Union’s Congress;
  • Inspecting the management and use of financial resources and property of the Provincial Unions;
  • Guiding and directing the operation of the Inspection Board of member associations;
  • Handling written complaints and denunciations within its competence;
  • Proposing punishments against violating individuals and organizations to the Executive Board of the Provincial  Unions.

2. The Inspection Board shall be convened once every year or upon request of the President of the Provincial Unions or proposal by the Head of the Inspection Board.

Chapter VII: 

Article 29. Finances and property 

1. VUSTA’s and Provincial Union’s finances and property include:

  • Finances and facilities provided by the State to ensure operation;
  • Finances for the implementation of tasks assigned by the State;
  • Finances contributed by member associations and affiliated organizations;
  • Donations by domestic and foreign individuals and organizations;
  • Other legal financial sources.

2. Financial resources of national member associations shall be managed and used in compliance with stipulations by the law and regulations of the associations.

Article 30. The finances and property of VUSTA shall be managed and used in compliance with stipulations by the law and regulations of the VUSTA Central Council’s Presidium.

The finances and property of member associations shall be managed and used in compliance with stipulations by the law and regulations of the Standing Board, Executive Board of the associations.

Article 31. VUSTA and its member associations shall be entitled to establish funds. The establishment and operation of these funds shall be in compliance with stipulations by the law.

Chapter VIII:

Article 32Organizations and individuals with outstanding performance shall be commended and rewarded by VUSTA and its member associations or shall be recommended for a reward by the State.

The form of rewarding of VUSTA and its member associations is regulated by the VUSTA Central Council’s Presidium or the Standing Board of member associations.

Article 33Organizations and individuals violating the VUSTA’s Charter, charter or regulations of member associations shall be subject to disciplinary as regulated by the VUSTA Central Council or the Executive Board of member associations.

Chapter IX:

Article 34The VUSTA Central Council’s Presidium shall be responsible for guiding the implementation of this Charter.

Article 35This Charter is composed of nine chapters and thirty five articles and was approved by the  VUSTA sixth National Congress on April 28, 2010 and seventh National Congress on June 3, 2015, replacing the Charter of the fifth tenure ratified by Decision No.650/QĐ-TTg dated April 24, 2006 by the Prime Minister.

The revision or amendment of this charter shall be decided by the VUSTA National Congress./.

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