Ngoc Linh Ginseng must become a national treasure
This is the opinion of some delegates at the seminar "Awakening the potential of National Treasure, building Ngoc Linh Ginseng value chain" which has just been held on the morning of 29 December by the Ngoc Linh Ginseng Development and Conservation Institute in Hanoi.
Mr. Vo Kim Cu, Director of Ngoc Linh Ginseng Conservation and Development Institute delivered the opening speech
According to the main report prepared by Ngoc Linh Ginseng Conservation and Development Institute for the seminar, over the past time in the locality, there have been a number of enterprises, cooperatives, units and individuals cultivating of Ngoc Linh Ginseng, tissue culture and traditional seed sowing. At the same time, some products have been processed and brought to the market which have been initially accepted by consumers.
However, the production organization is still spontaneous, fragmented, small, lacking in connection with each other, lack of solidarity, cooperation and linkage between the stages of cultivation, care, post-harvest processing is standardized, there is little involvement of scientists with enterprises, no large-scale production areas, lack of synchronous facilities and equipment, has not been standardized, so the efficiency is still low.
In order to implement the Government's policy to develop Ngoc Linh Ginseng into a national treasure product and reach out to the world, with high competitiveness, it is necessary to develop strategies and solutions to protect exploitation and effectively enforce intellectual property rights for sustainable development of Vietnamese Ginseng Ngoc Linh.
Also at the conference, there were 24 science reports represented by scientists and delegates which focused on the following topics: Research on world ginseng; Research on Vietnamese ginseng (Ngoc Linh ginseng and other ginseng species); Technological process of seed production; Care technology process; Process of plant protection technology; Technological process of harvesting; Technological process of post-harvest processing; Technological process of producing high value-added products; Improve the potential of research, technology development and commercial production for research institutions and enterprises producing commercial products from Vietnamese Ginseng to regional and international levels.
According to the participants of the workshop, Ngoc Linh Ginseng Vietnam must become "National Treasure", all Vietnamese people have the right to enjoy Ngoc Linh Ginseng products for health care and beauty and export billions of dollars abroad to be competitive in the international arena.
Products from Ngoc Linh Ginseng were presented and introduced at the Workshop
To gain these achievements, the delegates agreed that: There should be cooperation among regions, provinces and the whole country in order to connect value chain on all stages of scientific research and production of seeds, deep processing products and jointly consuming products, focusing on product lines with high added value, research and application of new, advanced and modern technologies, developing regularly and closely the link between science and production to improve economic efficiency...