Liên hiệp các hội và khoa học kỹ thuật Việt Nam
2023-07-03 15:04

An Giang: Workshop on Digital Transformation in product management, production and consumption

On May 23, the Union of Science and Technology Associations of An Giang province in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of An Giang organized a workshop on solutions to support farmers, agricultural cooperatives, digital transformation enterprises in the management, production and consumption of products.

Attending the workshop were representatives of provincial departments, branches, enterprises and agricultural cooperatives in An Giang province; experts from institutes and universities; representatives of leaders of the Union of some provinces in the Mekong Delta.

At the seminar, experts, managers and businesses shared many useful information related to digital transformation such as: Digital transformation in agriculture in An Giang province; Developing a circular economy based on digital transformation; Agricultural product supply chain database on Blockchain platform; Applying digital transformation in agricultural supply chain management; solutions to support farmers, agricultural cooperatives and businesses in digital transformation in product management, production and consumption; Applying IoT technology to manage water resources in rice farming to cope with climate change...


Workshop scene

Some delegates said that, in order to promote digital transformation in the agricultural sector, authorities should promote communication programs to raise awareness for people, cooperatives and businesses; infrastructure, especially the production database of agricultural cooperatives, human resources for digital transformation of cooperatives and small and medium-sized enterprises are still limited; mechanisms and policies on digital transformation are not yet synchronized; many agricultural products have not been synchronously digitized, so consumers cannot trace the origin to choose safe products… Delegates also proposed Provincial Telecommunications Department, Agriculture and Rural Development Department to organize training courses to provide farmers, the labor force of cooperatives and businesses with knowledge and information on digital transformation helping them step by step approach and apply digital technology to production activities, business, especially with policies to support resources for cooperatives to promote the digital transformation process; Management agencies need to quickly digitize the issuance of planting area codes, build traceability capacity of agricultural products to enable access high-end markets, especially foreign markets. In addition, it is crucial for state agencies to research and apply Blockchain technology to land management (public land managed by the state, land planned for planting areas, geographical indications, etc.), overcome the situation that organizations and individuals change the purpose of using agricultural land, encroach on public land, etc.

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Quang Ngai Province: The Second Student Robotics Competition
On July 6, 2024, the Quang Ngai Union of Science and Technology Associations, in collaboration with the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, the provincial Education and Training Department, and the provincial Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, organized the opening ceremony and the qualifying rounds of the second Quang Ngai Student Robotics Competition.
VIFOTEC Awards granted to 47 excellent creations
On the evening of May 30 at the Hanoi Opera House, the Vietnam Fund for Supporting Technological Creations (VIFOTEC, under VUSTA) coordinated with the Ministry of Science & Technology, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and the Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union to hold the 2023 Vietnam Science and Technology Innovation Award (VIFOTEC Award) Ceremony.
Vinh Long spreads smart school model for adapting to climate change
The Vinh Long Union of Science and Technology Associations coordinated with Vietnam Green Innovation Joint Stock Company and the University of Technical Education (UTE) to organize the seminar "Adapting to climate change with the smart school model - necessary conditions for local promotion" on May 29th.
Using biomass pellets to achieve low-emission steam boiler production
On April 5th, in Hanoi, the Pellet Association (Vietnam Timber and Forest Products Association), the Vietnam Thermal Science and Technology Association, and Forest Trends organized a Workshop on "The role of pellets in fuel conversion for steam boilers – towards low-emission production in Vietnam".


Quang Ngai Province: The Second Student Robotics Competition
On July 6, 2024, the Quang Ngai Union of Science and Technology Associations, in collaboration with the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, the provincial Education and Training Department, and the provincial Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, organized the opening ceremony and the qualifying rounds of the second Quang Ngai Student Robotics Competition.
EU Partnership Forum 2024
Vietnam established diplomatic ties with the European Union (EU) in October 1990. Since then, Vietnam has become one of the EU's main partners in the region, with the highest number of agreements of any country in Southeast Asia (including EVFTA and JETP).
VIFOTEC Awards granted to 47 excellent creations
On the evening of May 30 at the Hanoi Opera House, the Vietnam Fund for Supporting Technological Creations (VIFOTEC, under VUSTA) coordinated with the Ministry of Science & Technology, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and the Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union to hold the 2023 Vietnam Science and Technology Innovation Award (VIFOTEC Award) Ceremony.