Gia Lai: Skills training on start-up connectivity and business development
In the morning of October 7, Gia Lai Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations collaborated with the Standing Board of Gia Lai Provincial Youth Union to organize a Conference on "Skills training on start-up connectivity and business development" - Reporter of the Young Creators Group.
Attendants to the Conference were 100 delegates including Youth Union members who are students at universities and colleges (supporting initiatives and innovative ideas for start-ups); Rural youth who want to start a business (support on how to write projects and schemes in the field of innovation, creativity, high-tech application in agriculture); Owners of production and business establishments at a young age who have just registered for business) support in corporate governance and innovation, integration; and the authors participated in the 6th Gia Lai Start-up Creative Ideas Challenge 2022.
Scene of the Conference
The training provides knowledge and skills on entrepreneurship and starting a business for young people, students and young entrepreneurs. In addition, it also helps support young people in the process of starting a business, overcome challenges and obstacles in starting and developing businesses.