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2024-06-14 11:32

VUSTA President Phan Xuan Dung attends the Celebration of Vietnam Science and Technology Day

On the morning of May 15, in Hanoi, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended the celebration of Vietnam Science and Technology Day (May 18), commemorating the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the Ministry of Science and Technology (1959-2024).

The ceremony also included the presentation of the 2024 Ta Quang Buu Awards under the theme "Science and Technology and Innovation - Elevating the National Position".


The scene of the ceremony

Among the attendees were: former Politburo member and former Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem; Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang; Minister of Science and Technology Huynh Thanh Đat; Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan; Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung; Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son; Minister of Health Dao Hong Lan; President of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology Chau Van Minh; Editor-in-chief of The People’s Newspaper and Director of the Vietnam Journalists Association Le Quoc Minh; Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang; Chairman of the Vietnam Farmers' Union Luong Quoc Doan; President of VUSTA Phan Xuan Dung; representatives of central agencies, departments, and organizations; representatives of diplomatic missions and international organizations; enterprises; scientific research institutions; educational and training institutions; and scientists…

The Ministry of Science and Technology, formerly known as the State Committee for Science, was established by Decree No. 016-SL on March 4, 1959, by the President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. At the 5th session of the XIII National Assembly, the Law on Science and Technology was passed, stipulating that May 18 of each year is Vietnam's Science and Technology Day.

According to Minister of Science and Technology Huynh Thanh Dat, the ministry is currently focusing on reviewing and proposing to the Prime Minister various solutions to enhance labor productivity based on science, technology, and innovation. The ministry is also working on a comprehensive amendment of the Law on Science and Technology of 2013 to create a legal framework for science, technology, and innovation activities, serving the socio-economic development in the coming period.

Regarding the Ta Quang Buu Award, the organizing committee reported that over the past 10 years, the Ministry of Science and Technology has awarded the prize to 18 scientists who are authors of outstanding scientific works and 4 young scientists.

In 2024, the organizing committee received 97 applications, including 76 in the field of natural sciences and technology and 21 in the field of social sciences and humanities. Among these, 71 applications were nominated for the main award and 26 for the young award. The number of nominations for this year's award doubled compared to previous years and all were of very high quality.

One of the new features of this year's award is the expansion of consideration and awarding to scientists in the field of social sciences and humanities. Applications were accepted through nomination, evaluation, and selection of scientists based on the assessment of the results of basic research published in a maximum of 3 international scientific papers within the period of 7 years.


Prime MinisterPham MinhChinhdelivered speech at the ceremony

Speaking at the ceremony, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh emphasized that Vietnam's Science and Technology Day in 2024 holds special significance as it marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the Ministry of Science and Technology (1959-2024) and the presentation of the Ta Quang Buu Science Award - named after the late Professor Ta Quang Buu, who laid the foundation for the development of basic sciences in Vietnam.

"This is an opportunity for us to reflect on the formation and development journey of Vietnam's science and technology sector, as well as to express our gratitude to the tireless efforts and dedication of countless generations of scientists and management officials. They have made significant and practical contributions to the national liberation, reunification, construction, and defense of the homeland throughout different periods," said the Prime Minister.

He also recalled an event 61 years ago, on May 18, 1963, when President Ho Chi Minh attended the first National Congress of Popularizing Science and Technology in Vietnam (the precursor of the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations). President Ho Chi Minh emphasized that "Science must come from production and must return to serve production and the people, to increase labor productivity and continuously improve people's livelihood, ensuring the victory of socialism... Everyone must make efforts to disseminate their scientific knowledge widely among the working people, so that they can strive for higher productivity, faster, better, and cheaper production...".

Beloved President Ho's earnest advice has served as a guiding principle for our country's science and technology activities for over 60 years. According to the Prime Minister, President Ho's words are simple yet profound. Science must stem from practical needs, returning to serve those needs, and contribute to enhancing the material and spiritual lives of the people. Our Party and State have no higher goal than safeguarding the independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity of the homeland, building a strong and prosperous nation, and ensuring the increasingly warm and happy lives of the people. Science and technology must aim for this goal.


Prime MinisterPham MinhChinh and Minister of Science and TechnologyHuynhThanhDat present theTaQuangBuu Award,gavecongratulations to Associate ProfessorTranManhTriand Dr.NguyenThiKim Thanh.

The Prime Minister emphasized that with the Party and State's various orientations and policies on the development of science and technology and the role of intellectuals, scientists, and the science and technology sector of our country have made remarkable strides, achieving significant accomplishments and making practical contributions to the national liberation, construction, and defense efforts.

Firstly, during the resistance war for national independence, our scientists and technical workforce rose above their circumstances, contributing significantly to the victories of our people and army, such as the victory at Dien Bien Phu in 1954, the "Dien Bien Phu in the air" victory in 1972, and the historic great victory in the spring of 1975 with the Ho Chi Minh Campaign.

Secondly, in peacetime, our scientific and technical workforce has demonstrated creativity, contributing to significant projects that have transformed the country's landscape, including Hoa Binh Hydroelectric Plant, Son La Hydroelectric Plant, the North-South 500 kV Power Line, oil and gas projects, bridges, roads, airports, ports, land reclamation, the rehabilitation of the Dong Thap Muoi region, medical research, vaccines, and organ transplants....

Thirdly, alongside achievements in fundamental research, in the field of applied research, science, technology, and innovation have contributed to the goal of enhancing productivity, quality, efficiency, and competitiveness. It can be affirmed that Vietnam's scientific and technological forces actively participate and make significant contributions to the renewal process, the construction of a socialist-oriented market economy, and international integration.

Especially in the field of social sciences and humanities, we have developed a theoretical system on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam; about fundamental development factors, development orientations, economic, cultural, defense-security policies, social welfare assurance, Party building, and political system; drawing valuable lessons and experiences.

Fourthly, the scientific community is growing stronger. Many Vietnamese scientists have regional and international influence, bringing honor and pride to the country, serving as bright examples for the younger generation, including outstanding scientists leading research in various fields. "Although strength may vary at different times, the spirit of science and technology always prevails," the Prime Minister stated.

Fifthly, Vietnam's international rankings in science, technology, and innovation continue to improve. In 2023, Vietnam ranked 46th, up 2 places from 2022. Over the past 10 years, from 2013, Vietnam's ranking has increased by 30 places, from 76th to 46th. Vietnam consistently maintains its leading position among low-middle-income countries.

Vietnam is recognized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as a country making systematic and significant progress in innovation, especially among the youth. To date, Vietnam has had 4 "unicorn" startups in the technology field (MoMo, Sky, Mavis, VNLIFE), ranking 3rd in the Southeast Asian region.


Mrs.Nguyen Thi Kim Thanh, working at the Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, was awarded for her work published in the journal Physical Review Letters, one of the world's leading scientific journals in the field of physics.

According to the Prime Minister, alongside the achievements, the scientific and technological foundation of the country still has limitations, deficiencies, and continues to face many difficulties and challenges. The awareness of all levels, sectors, and localities about the role of science, technology, and innovation is not yet sufficient and comprehensive, especially in the social sciences and humanities.

The mechanisms and policies for managing science, technology, and innovation still have many points that are not suitable and do not reflect the specifics of these activities; there has been no breakthrough in policies to attract, utilize, and honor talented scientists, while the competition for attracting scientific talent is fierce worldwide.

Investment funding is still limited; technical infrastructure and equipment serving scientific and technological activities and innovation have not met practical requirements, especially in the context of the fourth industrial revolution.

The development of the science and technology market is still slow; an effective technology exchange platform has not been established; the connection between supply and demand for science, technology, and innovation is still limited; commercialization mechanisms for scientific and technological products have not made breakthroughs to meet practical requirements.

The team of scientists and science and technology professionals is still limited and uneven; the training of scientists and the organization of science and technology research and development activities have not been given adequate attention at the levels of educational institutions, research organizations, businesses, and management agencies…


According to Minister of Science and Technology Huynh Thanh Dat, the ministry is currently focusing on reviewing and proposing solutions to the Prime Minister, whichaimed at increasing labor productivity based on the foundation of science, technology, and innovation.

The Prime Minister evaluates that in today's world, under the influence of the fourth industrial revolution, science, technology, and innovation have experienced strong development across all sectors, profoundly changing the world, especially in production, business, consumption, and the global economy as a whole, towards being smarter, more efficient, and faster, with unpredictable fluctuations.

Successful international experiences, especially in countries like South Korea, Taiwan (China), Japan, China, the United States, Germany, and Finland, demonstrate the significant role of science, technology, and innovation in the development and advancement of nations. On the other hand, lessons from failed experiences, falling into the middle-income trap in many countries worldwide, also indicate the failure of science, technology, and innovation policies in those places.

By clearly identifying opportunities, advantages, difficulties, and challenges from international experiences and practical situations, our Party and State have advocated that "Developing and applying science, technology, and innovation is the top national policy, one of the most important driving forces for socio-economic development and safeguarding the homeland; it is a priority for investment and concentration at all levels and sectors".

The successful results and contributions of science, technology, and innovation as mentioned above are clear evidence that this is a very correct and appropriate strategy and direction, suitable for the international and domestic contexts in recent years and still valuable in the new period, in the coming years.

The Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress has identified: "Promoting strong development of science, technology, and innovation and digital transformation is the primary driving force for economic growth" and "Promoting national digital transformation; developing a digital economy based on science, technology, and innovation".

It can be said that science, technology, and innovation are fundamental factors in digital and green transformations – two of the most important factors in the global economic restructuring process and particularly important for our country today. Science, technology, and innovation are the shortest path to achieving the goals.


Presidentof VUSTA Phan Xuan Dungpresentedhis keynote speech at the anniversary ceremony. "The development of science, technology, and innovation as the foundation for the rapid and sustainable development of the country is an objective requirement, a wise choice, and requires prioritization of resources (institutional, policy, infrastructure, human resources...)," the Prime Minister said.

Therefore, the Prime Minister hopes that the spirit of passionate research and dedication to science and technology of previous generations will continue to be spread and strongly promoted, creating motivation and inspiration for the younger generation, especially today's and future generations of scientists, including female scientists.

"Regardless of where we are, whatever we do, we believe that the future leaders of the country, with a patriotic spirit, national pride in their hearts, with intelligence, courage, self-reliance, determination, and effort to strive for advancement, will also make practical contributions to the country's scientific and technological development.

Not only new scientists contribute to science and technology, but all of us can contribute to the cause of science and technology from different perspectives, different jobs, different tasks, especially the younger generation. Let's strive harder, to ensure that science, technology, and innovation accompany the rapid and sustainable development of the country, for the bright future of the nation, for the happiness and prosperity of the people. This is a particularly important factor in contributing to the determination of our entire Party and people to achieve the goal of building a modern, prosperous, civilized, happy, and sustainably developing country," the Prime Minister stated.

The head of the government affirmed: "As natural resources are finite and becoming increasingly scarce, science, technology, and innovation are infinite resources, with limitless development space and can stem from the simplest ideas, the humblest people, regardless of gender, skin color, education level, age, or social class.


The Prime Minister listened to the introduction about the history of formation and development process of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam.

The strategy for socio-economic development in the period 2021-2030 asserts that developing human resources linked with science, technology, and innovation is one of the three strategic breakthroughs and the top national policy for the rapid and sustainable development of the country in the new period. In the context of market-oriented economic development with socialist orientation, it can be affirmed that this is a very important driving force to promote growth, create breakthroughs in productivity, quality, efficiency, competitiveness, and is a matter of survival in the process of "catching up, keeping up, breaking through, and surpassing" in today's world.

To contribute to the successful implementation of the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress, and to promote rapid and sustainable development, in the coming time, the Prime Minister emphasized the need to further promote the role of science, technology, and innovation in all fields, considering it a crucial political task of all levels, sectors, and localities, with the motto "smooth infrastructure, flexible mechanism, smart governance," focusing on the following six key tasks and solutions:

Firstly, Party committees, authorities from central to local levels should effectively implement Resolutions, Conclusions of the Central Party, especially Conclusion No. 69-KL/TW of the Politburo, Resolution No. 20-NQ/TW of the 11th Central Committee on developing science and technology to serve industrialization, modernization in the context of market-oriented socialist economy and international integration, focusing on three contents: Building comprehensive, enveloping development mechanisms, policies; investing appropriately in infrastructure; enhancing the quality of human resources, especially social science and humanities.

Secondly, enhancing the attraction, diversification of resources for science, technology, and innovation; developing human resources for science and technology, encouraging private sector, enterprises, strengthening public-private partnership in training human resources for science and technology. Focusing on developing the science and technology market to contribute to breakthroughs in productivity, quality, efficiency, and competitiveness of the economy.

Thirdly, ministries, sectors, and localities need to persistently and boldly propose, implement superior policies for science, technology, and innovation regarding institutions, infrastructure, human resources, including preferential policies, recognition, rewards for those working in science, technology, and innovation to inspire passion, encourage dedication in carrying out science, technology, and innovation tasks, especially for young scientists, scientists working under difficult conditions such as remote areas, border areas, and islands...


The Prime Minister visited and was briefed on the Circular Economy Model from Waste - a product of research by the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.

Fourthly, for enterprises, it is necessary to consider research, development, application of science, technology, and innovation as one of the important factors to enhance productivity, quality, competitiveness, and development of enterprises, especially in digital transformation, green transformation, climate change adaptation, resource depletion, population aging, healthcare, and protection...

Fifthly, appropriate policies are needed to enhance the attraction of reputable Vietnamese and international scientists working in the countries that can make suitable contributions to the development of science in the country through diverse cooperation mechanisms (such as participating in teaching, research, mentoring Vietnamese research students...) to train a research team in the country to access advanced science and technology, integrate into the world.

Sixthly, for scientists, the Prime Minister suggested putting national and ethnic interests above all. Scientists need to realize their great responsibility to the country, dare to dedicate, dare to sacrifice, dare to accept risks. History has recorded many examples of scientists' dedication to the national destiny.

The Prime Minister emphasized: "Our country, our society urgently needs the dedication to overcome the difficulties and obstacles of scientists to successfully carry out science, technology, and innovation tasks, contribute to serving the Fatherland, serving the people, bringing honor, pride to individuals, families, communities, ethnic groups, and the country.

A heroic Vietnam with a 4,000-year history and culture - with each Vietnamese person carrying in themselves a deep patriotism, perseverance, resilience, self-reliance, self-reliance, and effort to strive, the more pressure, the more effort, the more difficult, the smarter - cannot be without science, technology, and innovation in its development path - dare to face difficulties, challenges, and even dedicate oneself, sacrifice for success. Resources come from thinking, motivation comes from innovation, strength comes from the people, businesses".

Regarding such spirit, we hope and believe that, with the good tradition of the science and technology sector over the past 65 years, scientists will accompany the whole country to overcome all difficulties, challenges, uphold the tradition of patriotism, solidarity, unity, joint effort, unanimity, resilience, passion, immersion in scientific research to make increasingly more contributions to the cause of building a stronger, prosperous Vietnam and making Vietnamese people increasingly wealthy and happy.


The Director of HDBank's Digital Transformation Center introduced Kiosk MediPay - an intelligent healthcare solution developed through collaboration between HDBank and the National Health Information Center (NHIC) of the Ministry of Health.

During the event, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and delegates visited an exhibition showcasing outstanding achievements in science and technology over the past 65 years, including booths displaying research results and products from various sectors such as defense, banking, agriculture, industry, transportation, healthcare, social sciences, and humanities.

Many booths left a strong impression with outstanding solutions, such as Kiosk MediPay - an intelligent healthcare solution developed through collaboration between HDBank and the National Health Information Center (NHIC) of the Ministry of Health. This solution allows patients to quickly register for medical examinations and make 100% cashless payments by integrating smart healthcare payment accounts with medical examination accounts and citizen identification cards. In just 1-2 minutes, patients can actively complete the entire process at Kiosk MediPay located in hospitals.

HDBank sponsors Kiosk MediPay completely free of charge for healthcare facilities to promote digital transformation in the healthcare sector in line with the direction of the Government and the Ministry of Health. Recently, HDBank has successfully piloted Kiosks and planned to install them at healthcare facilities nationwide in the near future.

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