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2020-12-14 10:10

Message from the president of The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM)

Message from the president of The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM)

To fellow engineer members of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisations (AFEO) and distinguished guests of AFEO,

On behalf of The Institution of Engineers Malaysia, our heartiest congratulations to the President of VUSTA, Prof. Dr. Sc. Dang Vu Minh and all members of the Organising Committee for hosting the 38th Conference of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (CAFEO 38).

This event sets a significant milestone as this is the first time a virtual event is being hosted for CAFEO and we from IEM applaud the devotion of all engineers, engineering technologists and engineering technician in ASEAN countries for demonstrating the ultimate adherence in building a sustainable and prosperous ASEAN community.

CAFEO 38's theme: “Fostering Initiatives and Actions by AFEO to Build a Sustainable and Prosperous ASEAN Community" where it focuses on community initiatives which align seamlessly with the vision moving towards the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025.

CAFEO provides the perfect platform to foster working relationships as well as taking advantage of this platform to network, foster mobility and use it as learning opportunities. This pandemic has forced us to appreciate the value of social capital and our ability to interact with one another. I look forward to the connection and collaboration that we can gain from this CAFEO 38.

The exchange of engineering knowledge, participation in scientific and engineering meetings will no doubt benefit the members and the public we serve.

In this spirit, I wish the Conference every success and all delegates continue to stay safe, heathy and achieving prosperity in their professional endeavour.

TAHNIAH or "Xin chúc mng” and Congratulations VUSTA and AFEO ON CAFEO 38!

Ir. Ong Ching Loon

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