Liên hiệp các hội và khoa học kỹ thuật Việt Nam
2020-12-18 10:45

Urgency of the Law on Professional Engineer Practice in Vietnam

Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW dated August 6, 2008 of the X Central Executive Committee on building a contingent of intellectuals in the period of accelerating industrialization and modernization of the country has given out many tasks, solutions aimed at building a large, high-quality intellectual contingent, meeting the requirements of national development, step by step moving up to the qualification of intellectuals in advanced countries in the region and the world.

Implementing the above Resolution, dated April 16, 2010 on continuing to innovate, improving the quality and efficiency of the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations in the period of accelerating industrialization and modernization of the country, the Secretariat issued the Notice No. 353-TB/TW dated June 25, 2010 on the identification of problems in implementing Directive 42-CT/TW, in which stated: Assigning the Party Government Committee to direct the study and elaboration of the Law on Professional Engineering practice to submit to the National Assembly.

In addition, the international integration process sets the requirements of standardizing the quality of labor, especially technical workers to actively participate in the process of labor allocation and movement in the region and the world; Ensuring the quality of technical workers, the interests of the employers, safety in production and life,

Currently, ASIAN has 8 countries that have promulgated the Law on Professional Engineering practice... However, in Vietnam, there are conflicting opinions around the draft of this Law, so is it necessary to have a law?

Accredited as ASEAN Professional Engineers, Vietnamese engineers will be entitled to a number of benefits

In fact, one of the issues that is probably most concerned by many engineers is the regulation of the rights and obligations of professional engineers, the law project has provisions to ensure legal rights and benefits; improve the responsibilities and obligations of professional engineering practitioners, socialize in professional engineering practice to facilitate the mobilization of resources in the society and mobilize organizations and individuals to participate in implementing professional training and fostering activities for engineers.

Currently, Vietnam is integrating into the world more and more deeply. This is also an opportunity for Vietnamese engineers to participate in foreign labor markets. At the same time, it is also an opportunity for professional engineers who are foreigners to come to work in Vietnam. However, the utilization of these opportunities is still limited due to lack of legal knowledge and different recognition of qualifications.

The ideology of the project Law on Professional Engineering practice in Vietnam is being submitted to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly for approval, which will create a legal framework for domestic practice, protecting the interests of engineers - customers and the public, which means through this project, the community also has certain benefits.

Furthermore, the promulgation of the Law on Professional Engineering practice aims to continue to improve the uniform and unified legal system to create conditions for engineers to continuously be trained, retrained and practicing in professional skills and ethics according to professional and modern standards; develop and step by step standardize quality technical human resources to meet the needs of the Vietnamese labor market and successfully integrate into the process of labor mobility in the region and the world; complete the State management of professional engineering practice.

Therefore, the formulation and enactment of the Law is necessary, especially in the context of the fast and widespread 4th industrial revolution, but in the process of building the law, it is necessary to ensure consistency of the legal system, avoiding overlaps, especially not creating more sub-license procedures, hindering the development of professional engineers. At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure the compatibility and conformity of the relevant international treaties and agreements to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member...

Reporter .

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