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2020-12-18 10:47

Dr. Pham Van Tan: It is a noble honor to be recognized as a professional engineer

Engineers are trained and recognized through the official diploma system in the system of technical universities. The classification of engineers and the recognition of professional engineers have long existed and have become international practice. On the eve of the 38th CAFEO Conference in Hanoi hosted by VUSTA, the reporter of had an interview with Dr. Pham Van Tan - Vice President cum General Secretary of VUSTA, who attended the recent CAFEO conferences; the interview will help readers understand more about this issue.

Dr. Pham Van Tan - Vice President cum General Secretary of VUSTA

Reporter: Sir, why must a professional engineer be registered? What is the purpose of this?

Dr. Pham Van Tan: The registration of professional engineers in many countries around the world has been carried out a few decades ago such as Australia, UK and USA. In Asia, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia... have also carried out for decades. Being recognized as a professional engineer is a noble honor, and also has great responsibility to colleagues and the society. In many developed countries, professional engineers are considered the noblest title to practice. The ASEAN engineer registration program was initiated in 1998; qualified engineers will have the opportunity to travel to all countries in ASEAN to work without having to go through selection. Vietnam first registered professional engineers in 2004. The ASEAN engineer registration is for the following purposes: Mutual recognition of the career in ASEAN, facilitating the movement and working of ASEAN engineers with guaranteed competencies working outside their home country; Providing and introducing personal information about professional engineers to organizations and businesses that require the use of engineers; Encouraging engineers to raise their qualifications to meet the minimum standard of ASEAN professional engineers and regularly study and train to meet the standards of professional expertise; etc.

-Reporter: To register as an ASEAN engineer, what standards must an engineer have?

Dr. Pham Van Tan: To be registered as an ASEAN engineer, it is necessary to have the following minimum standards: Having an engineer degree and professional ethics; Having graduated from college for at least 7 years and professional experience in a technical institution. Having at least two years of experience in the position of design manager, project manager, or project leader with economic, technical and social significance; Having the ability to communicate in English, voluntarily participating in the activities of the ASEAN Federation of Engineers and paying membership fees according to regulations; Being introduced by the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations to the ASEAN Engineers Registration Committee.

Reporter: So, what are the rights and obligations of professional engineers in ASEAN ?

Dr. Pham Van Tan:An ASEAN professional engineer has the following benefits: Participating in activities of the ASEAN Federation of Engineers Organizations (AFEO); Being granted an accredited certificate and use this certificate to practice at home and abroad. Having been certified by ASEAN friends; Participating in training courses, seminars, scientific conferences... with preferential costs; Being enrolled in the management system of professional engineers in Southeast Asia and introduced to investors on the Internet; Being involved in the research projects, the development, consulting and technology transfer and international cooperation topics and projects of the region.

The most important obligation of an engineer after being registered is to constantly study to improve the knowledge of professional skills, foreign languages, management, administration and knowledge on economic management, finance, human resources, materials, equipment... suitable for the field of work; Maintaining the professional ethics of a professional engineer, do not receive improper income and live by profession, etc.

Reporter: Please tell us more about the process to register ASEAN professional engineers?

Dr. Pham Van Tan: Annually, the Vietnam ASEAN Engineer Registration Council (under VUSTA) announces on the website: and sends dispatches to members, organizations and individuals concerned. Engineers apply for registration to prepare documents including: Engineer degree, certificate of English proficiency and normal communication ability in English; The workplace's certification of the working history with at least 7 years of experience, 2 years of leading professional works with professional responsibility. Filling out the ASEAN Engineer Registration Form using the form provided by the ASEAN Engineers Register (AER). Application and registration fees are sent to the Vietnam Professional Engineer Registration Council. The Secretariat of the Professional Engineer Registration Council will review and check the documents and synthesize the report and submit to the Council for review and evaluation. The Council will meet, engineers who qualify will be submitted to the leaders of the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations for approval, engineers who have not passed will be reviewed and evaluated by the Council in the next period. Eligible documents will be transferred to AER by VUSTA leaders. AER reviews and issues certificates.

Reporter: In what case is the ASEAN engineer deleted from the registration ?

Dr. Pham Van Tan: Every three year, a professional engineer is reviewed and re-examined, if successful, he/she will continue to be recognized as a professional engineer of ASEAN, otherwise his/her name will be deleted. In addition, if a registered engineer does not pay the membership fee for 2 consecutive years to the ASEAN Engineers Registration Committee, he/she may also be considered for deletion.

Reporter: Thank you very much.

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