Need a prerequisite solution to attract talents and develop teacher workforce
The policies regarding the allowances for teachers and educational management personnel - the forces that determine the quality of education and training have not yet met actual requirements. Investing in people is the top priority, so there must be a prerequisite solution to develop our country’s teacher workforce, which is to attract talented individuals and ensure a sufficient income for them.
This is a noteworthy proposal raised at the workshop on the Evaluation of 10 Years of Implementing Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW dated November 4, 2013, of the Central Party Committee's 11th Tenure on fundamental and comprehensive education and training reform, organized by the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA) on the morning of July 12 in Hanoi.
VUSTA’s President- PhanXuanDungdelivered opening speech at theworkshop
In his opening remarks, President of the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations - Phan Xuan Dung emphasized that the workshop aims to implement the Plan No. 244-KH/BTGTW dated January 17, 2023, of the Central Propaganda Committee regarding the 10-year review of implementing Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW. This is the second event organized by VUSTA to address this very important content.
Many positive outcomes have been achieved
Alongside textbooks, the forms and methods of examination and educational outcome assessment have gradually been renewed to focus on determining the qualities and capabilities of learners. The management of education has been gradually modernized, placing a strong emphasis on quality management. Initial steps have been taken to promote the autonomy and accountability of educational institutions. The number of teacher workforce and educational management personnel has increased, and their training levels have been raised. Currently, there are 133 teacher training institutions distributed across all regions and localities nationwide.
VUSTA’s President Phan Xuan DungandVUSTA’s Secretary-General Nguyen Quyet Chien co-chaired the workshop
However, during the implementation of the Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW, there are still some limitations. Associate Professor, Dr. Nghiem Dinh Vy, former Deputy Head of the Central Committee for Education and Science, pointed out that education and training are still "paying much attention to teaching theory, less focusing on teaching people and skills". The training and development of essential capacities and skills for learners have not met the requirements of labor-using institutions.
Additionally, according to the delegates, non-public education has been slow in development. The student streamlining process after completing lower secondary education has not achieved its objectives. The quality and effectiveness of training in many places are not aligned with employment requirements. The capacity of a significant portion of educational management personnel and teacher workforce does not meet the demands for innovation. University infrastructure, particularly laboratories and practical facilities, have received limited investment, and there is no mechanism for training demand in certain fields. Particularly, delegates believe that the policies regarding the allowances for teacher workforce and educational management personnel still do not meet the actual requirements.
Former Deputy Head of the Central Committee for Education and Science - Nghiem Dinh Vydelivered a speech.
Promptly placing teacherwagesat the higher levels of the civil service pay
All delegates affirmed that the 10-year review of the implementation of the Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW is crucial and necessary. Therefore, there is a need for an evaluation to clarify why the Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW has identified education and training as the top national policy; education and training, along with science and technology, are drivers of development, which have not yielded the expected results. Therefore, specific recommendations should be made.
Mr. Nghiem Dinh Vy proposed that the Ministry of Education and Training should prepare a strategic development direction for education and training based on the achievements and limitations of education after 10 years of implementing the Resolution 29-NQ/TW. The ministry should also propose the issuance of conclusions by the Central Party Committee or the Politburo on the continued implementation of the Resolution 29-NQ/TW, which includes orientation and development solutions for education for the oncoming period of 5 and 10 years.
Regarding teacher training institutions and the teacher workforce, it is necessary to continue reforming the teacher training system by establishing a network of teacher training schools and faculties. The establishment of Hanoi National University of Education and Ho Chi Minh City University of Education is indeed of great importance, following the principles set forth in the resolutions of the 8th Central Committee and Resolution 29-NQ/TW. Key teacher training universities should primarily focus on postgraduate education and become centers for scientific research and technology, particularly in the field of educational sciences.
The delegates attending theworkshop.
According to the delegates, in order to improve the quality of education and training, teacher training should play a crucial role. Currently, there are two models: teacher training from purely pedagogical institutions and those following a multi-disciplinary approach. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Training needs to evaluate these models comprehensively and reliably, assessing the advantages and disadvantages of each model in the current context to formulate appropriate policies.
In addition, the delegates emphasized the need to mobilize a broader range of scientists to contribute to the identification of limitations in the new general education curriculum and to involve educators in proposing effective measures for its successful implementation.
Former Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Chemistry Association –Mr.Nguyen Cuong delivered a speech.
Summarizing the opinions of scientists, former Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Chemistry Association – Mr. Nguyen Cuong emphasized that the prerequisite solution for developing our nation's teacher workforce is to attract talented individuals and train excellent teachers. This includes adjusting the targets of teacher training enrollment to ensure employment opportunities. Additionally, there is a strong need for significant reforms in the remuneration policy, nurturing the development of teacher workforce and educational management personnel. Implementing the proposal to place teachers’ wages at the higher levels of the civil service pay scale should be carried out promptly, along with considering the reinstatement of seniority allowances.
Concluding the workshop, Mr. Phan Xuan Dung expressed his gratitude and high appreciation for the 14 presentations made during the workshop. These presentations provided insights into the achieved results, challenges, and shortcomings in the process of implementing the Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW and proposed solutions to continue the fundamental and comprehensive education and training reform in the future. The Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations will compile and draft a report summarizing the 10-year implementation of Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW to be submitted to the Central Propaganda Committee. This report will contribute to the development of solutions for the ongoing fundamental and comprehensive education and training reform in the future.