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2021-10-05 09:42

Prime Minister’s faith in scientists and technologists’ continued contribution for the country

September 15, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired the national convention “Vietnam’s scientists and technologists in executing Resolution adopted by the Thirteenth Party Congress”. The convention was held online between Hanoi and 62 locations at different provinces and municipalities.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh thanking and congratulating the contribution of Vietnam’s scientists and technologists

In his opening speech, Party Committee Secretary and VUSTA President Phan Xuan Dung informed: as a member of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front, VUSTA has gathered many scientists and technologists. From 1.8 million individuals in 2015 to 2.2 million in 2020, with 153 member associations including 63 local unions, 90 national associations and 596 affiliated science and technology organizations, VUSTA accounts for 32.5% of the nation’s intellect.

“Vietnam’s scientists and technologists in executing Resolution adopted by the Thirteenth Party Congress” national convention

According to President Phan Xuan Dung, Vietnam’s scientists and technologists always carry revolutionary enthusiasm, eager to move forward, to make science and technology the main drive and the first priority of national development, to stay true to Uncle Ho’s words “As a force of the revolution, intellects shall serve the Country and the people”; growth must be based on science and technology.

The convention aimed to propose to the Party and the government certain solutions for utilizing the vital role of Vietnam’s scientists and technologists, maximizing their creativity to successfully executing Resolution adopted by the Thirteenth Party Congress. Consequently, central and local Unions aimed to become strong sociopolitical organizations, maintaining their central role in gathering, uniting and utilizing the creativity of our scientists and technologists; represent the will and hopes of scientists and technologists, protecting the legal rights and benefits of member associations and members within those associations; and become an important factor in making science and technology become the drive for national development and maintaining defense, security, …

Party Committee Secretary, VUSTA President Phan Xuan Dung in his opening speech

In the last few years, VUSTA has promoted activities that honor intellects, encourage and bolster the science and technology innovation movement in Vietnam. The movement has grown even stronger as provinces and cities in the country actively hold the annual Golden book of Innovation. There are 7677 works of research and technical solutions, 1490 of which are awarded; some also participated in science and technology exhibitions in Korea, Malaysia, Thailand… that serves to display and commercialize science and technology products. As a result, many Vietnamese products has won regional and international awards.

Improving the quality of social consulting, feedback and assessment: In the 2015-2020 period, VUSTA has completed 3000 social consulting and feedback missions, timely and objectively giving feedback to many major policies from the Party and the government, as well as key investment projects that have great socioeconomic impacts.

Communicating and spreading scientific and technological knowledge: VUSTA has assisted over 100 members in spreading knowledge activities. In the last 5 years, it has held over 40000 conferences, talk shows and training courses, delivering knowledge to over 13 million people. The Knowledge Publishing House has published and republished around 150 titles annually, resulting in 450000 copies. VUSTA has successfully completed 38 missions at the national level, 300 at the regional level and 2000 at the grassroots levels on the basis of socializing in accordance with the guidance of the Party and the Government.

In his speech, Government Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, on behalf of the Party and the Government, congratulated and thanked the great contribution from the nation’s many generations of scientists and technologists, and from VUSTA.

The Prime Minister and delegates visiting a science and technology exhibition

The Prime Minister appreciated VUSTA’s achievements, but also pointed out its shortcomings, such as: not fully utilizing the intellects’ potential, not responding to the demands of the time, of the expectations from the Party, the Government and the people. The VUSTA system still has its inadequacies, its operation process outdated, unable to create a friendly environment for intellects to work in and take part in solving the country’s great problems.

In the near future, as the world continues to take unexpected turns, the Covid-19 pandemic can have great impacts on the global and regional economies, including ours. The Prime Minister demanded: “We must have more determination, greater efforts, stronger unity to accomplish the Resolution adopted by the Thirteenth Party Congress. As the representative of all scientists and technologists, VUSTA and its members must do better in its role as a political center, creating a united body to accomplish the country’s political goals in this new period.”

The Prime Minister also studied documentaries, listened to reports from VUSTA leadership and was impressed by some extremely enthusiastic ideas. He agreed with these ideas would like our scientists to do more research and reach more actionable results, particularly: effectively executing the Resolution adopted by the Thirteenth Party Congress; respecting and supporting the role of intellects in an united body on the basis of a worker - farmer - intellect union; making contributions, elevating science and technology to a new level; continuing to provide suggestions for the Party and Government in terms of nation development policies and guidance.

The Prime Minister reaffirmed the Party and Government’s interest and faith in the country’s intellects, and he believed our scientists and technologists would continue to contribute towards developing the country.


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