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2022-12-06 16:21

Professional training for press agencies

Modern journalism must update and follow the right development trend, so in the new context, it is required that the press must regularly innovate and improve its professional capacity to meet the new situation.


Scene of the training session

On October 28, at the Headquarters of the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA) at 53 Nguyen Du, Hanoi, a training program was taken place regarding news writing skills, scientific articles in journalism and photography skills, photo editing, building videos and clips in the press on digital platforms for agencies and magazines in the system of the VUSTA and representatives of some electronic websites of local Unions from Binh Thuan onwards.

The training program was deliverd by Journalist Le Nghiem - former Head of the Electronic Department of the People's Newspaper, former Director of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Ministry of Information and Communications; Journalist Hoang Duc Long - Head of the Vietnam News Agency's Political and Social Information Department and his associates.


General Director for the Department of Communication and Knowledge Dissemination of VUSTA Le Thanh Tung delivered the opening speech

Speaking at the opening ceremony, General Director for the Department of Communication and Knowledge Dissemination Le Thanh Tung said that, at present, the VUSTA has the leading press system and news website in the country, conveying the results of scientific research and application as well as concerns of the Vietnamese people, science and technology team nationwide to readers.

In the context of the 4th industrial revolution, the requirements for the quality of news and articles are ever increasing, therefore reporters need to update new information and new skills continuously to capture high-quality news and articles as well as journalistic works.

Mr. Le Thanh Tung said that modern journalism must be updated to accurately current development trend, so in the new context, it is required that the press affiliated to the VUSTA must regularly innovate and improve its professional capacity to meet the new situation.


Lecturer, Journalist Le Nghiem - Former Head of Electronic Department of People's Newspaper, Former Director of External Affairs Department, Ministry of Information and Communications

At the training program, Journalist Le Nghiem - Former Head of Electronic Department of People's Newspaper, former Director of External Relations Department of the Ministry of Information and Communications gave a presentation on skills regarding writing news and scientific articles in journalism; knowledge and experience in writing scientific articles; operational skills, skills in developing project implementation plans, raising awareness in writing news, articles on knowledge dissemination, social consultancy and evaluation in scientific articles.

The lecturer also gives vivid practical examples for learners to easily grasp and apply flexibly to their journalistic works, especially scientific articles.

He especially noted that reporters should pay attention to the topics of events, phenomena, and scientific issues; scientific aspects and perspectives of events and issues; the scientific nature of journalistic works when writing news and scientific articles.

Journalist Le Nghiem shared that when writing a scientific article, it is necessary to focus on clarifying the nature of the problem, describing the current situation and forecasting the upcoming situation, thereby we get lessons learned. A good scientific article should have the following elements: a simple message, specific visuals, various emotions, and a vivid story.


Lecturer, Journalist Hoang Duc Long - Head of Political and Social Department (Vietnam News Agency)

Also in the training program, Journalist Hoang Duc Long - Head of the Political and Social Department (Vietnam News Agency) imparted to the trainees the skills of taking photos and creating videos on digital platforms.

According to journalist Hoang Duc Long, when receiving immediate information at the site, the most ideal solution for reporters is to use smartphones to record and edit videos. Besides, it is necessary to flexibly arrange the scene size, angle shot…

Journalist Hoang Duc Long introduced the operation process, modern working trends, highlighted the multimedia of electronic newspapers, television press, analyzed a number of important events influenced by the media, giving specific examples of events in life so that reporters can grasp the work and become familiar with recording videos and clips in a timely manner to ensure topical news of the press.


Learners practiced producing journalistic works

In the training program, reporters and editors were able to practice producing television journalism, editing short videos, and lecturers gave evaluation and comment on each product, thereby helped learners experience operational skills, meeting the requirements of actual propaganda of the press agencies.


The trainees participated in the Training program

This is an annual activity of the VUSTA, which not only help reporters and journalists improve their professional capacity, but also give them an opportunity of discussion and exchanging knowledge and experience to create a spirit of solidarity and development in the press agencies affiliated to VUSTA.

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