Clean cities, Blue Ocean Workshop held in Da Nang
Da Nang - November 2, 2021, Da Nang Department of Natural Resources and Environment held a workshop to introduce the “Clean cities, blue ocean” (CCBO) programme in Da Nang. The seminar was held in a hybrid format with the participation of Vietnam Administration of Seas and Islands (VASI), Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA), International Development Agency United States (USAID) in Vietnam...
As the governing body of a number of affiliated science and technology organizations that have been implementing projects in the CCBO Program, VUSTA representative Ms. Duong Thi Nga, VUSTA DG for international Cooperation gave remarks at the opening of the seminar and VUSTA’s system with a large network of scientists and member organizations across provinces and cities. Some member organizations have been active in ocean plastic waste management projects such as MCD, CECR, Greenhub. VUSTA encourages its organizations to be interested in researching and participating in the Clean Cities, Blue Ocean program
Mdm Dương Thị Nga, DirectorGeneral for International Cooperation Department, Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations spoke at the workshop
This USAID's flagship programme is to combat ocean plastic pollution which is carried out in 2019-2024 and works globally to target ocean plastics directly at their sources, focusing on rapidly urbanising areas that taking big part to the estimated eight million metric tonnes of plastic that flow into the ocean each year. In Viet Nam 4 cities selected to implement CCBO are in the provinces of Đà Nẵng, Biên Hòa, Phú Quốc and Huế, of which Da Nang is the first of four to carry out the programme.
Implementation mechanism of the Program includes: Technical support - international expert group on solid waste, economics and governance, Cooperation with local authorities - to increase capacity and effective governance; and CCBO's Global Support Package invests in municipal solutions for capacity building, changing reclying behaviors, circular economy models. Support packages have an average value of 50 USD to 250.000 USD for proposals, and can be mobilized additionally investment resources from the private sector
The scene of the workshop at Da Nang