Thanh Hoa: Evaluating the community based mangrove reforestration and management project
On July 11, 2024, the delegation of the Union of Science and Technology Associations of Thanh Hoa, led by Chairman Nguyen Van Phat, conducted a site visit to evaluate the implementation of the project "Community based mangrove reforestration and management to enhance climate change resilience in Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam".

The project’s total budget of 380,000 EUR, funded by the Bread for the World organization and counterpart fund from the Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee. The Research Centre on Nature Resource Management and Climate Change Adaptation (CORENACCA) is the project owner. The project sites includes Da Loc commune (Hau Loc district), Nga Thuy and Nga Tan communes (Nga Son district) of Thanh Hoa province, project duration is from September 2021 to October 2024.
The project objective is to enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities in 3 coastal communes in Thanh Hoa province through community-based mangrove forest management activities. Following the above specific objective, the project has implemented and achieved results as planned and as scheduled. Organizing 06 training courses, 18 seminars and workshops on forestry laws related to mangrove forest management and protection for staff and farmer group of commune sites in order to enhance the community’s capacity of forest management and protection. Establishing 01 nursery garden with seedlings of 33,000 Candelia species serving for planting 80 hectares, with more than 26,000 seedlings already served. Intercropped of Candelia species and Sonneratia species in order to increase multi-layered canopy forest area, enhance biodiversity, protective capacity, carbon absorption and storage. By June 30, 2024, 70 out of 80 hectares planted and maintained of as per the 3-year plan (60% survival). Support for the establishment of a honey bee farming model. By July 2024, the total number of bee colonies in 200 households reached 646 (an increase of 196 colonies compared to the initial number provided). Support for the establishment of a sea duck farming model. However, due to the risie of poultry feed costs and the significant decrease of egg prices in 2024, households temporarily suspended duck farming. Support for the establishment of sedge and vegetable farming models using organic microbial fertilizers. Evaluation result shows that using organic microbial fertilizers helps to reduce fertilizer and pesticide costs, tree grows strongly and firmly with fewer pests and longer green, and increases harvest yields compared to using chemical fertilizers.
The delegation also had a field trip to the multi-layered mangrove forest intercropping area and the seedling garden nursery, to several farmer households who are appling project models of beekeeping and planting sedge and vegetables with organic microbial fertilizers in Nga Thuy commune (Nga Son district).
In the last 03 months of the project, CORENACCA needs to focus on completing the planned tasks, ensuring effective implementation and management of project activities.